Research interests: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, B cell developmental biology, single-cell studies, learning new things!
Other interests: Running, Taylor Swift, skiing, reading, the Phillies, being outside, shoes!
Send EmailResearch interests: Abhishek received PhD in Cell and Developmental biology from Charles University, Czech Republic. His postdoctoral research is focused on the epigenetic and metabolic aspects of relapse in pediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Abhishek utilizes single-cell mass cytometry and chromatin profiling techniques in combination supervised machine learning methods to develop relapse predictive models.
Send EmailResearch interests: Using single cell technologies, such as mass cytometry (CyTOF), to study pediatric acute leukemias
Send EmailResearch interests: Dr. Domizi completed his PhD in Molecular Biology at the National University of Rosario, Argentina. His research passion lies in exploring antigen escape and transcription factor regulation. In Dr. Davis' laboratory, Dr. Domizi is dedicated to unraveling the mechanisms through which B cell malignancies evade CD19-directed immunotherapies.
Other interests: Barbecues, playing soccer, cycling, and running.
Send EmailResearch interests: Heterogeneity of cancer cell types, identification of treatment-resistant cells and prediction of relapse in pediatric leukemia.
Send EmailResearch interests: My research is focused on characterizing the treatment-resistant cells with oncogenic signaling and identifying therapeutic approaches to better target them in B-cell malignancies. Cellular metabolism is the hallmark for cancer. I am interested in identifying metabolic vulnerability in B-cell leukemia.
Send EmailResearch interests: Developing high performance computational tools and workflows to analyze MIBI and CyTOF data. In addition, I spend time contributing to open source Python packages for single cell analysis tools.
Send EmailResearch interests: Using PDX models to better understand relapse in pediatric leukemias.
Send EmailResearch interests: Drug design/development and targeted therapeutics for treating relapsed/refractory leukemia and lymphoma.
Other interests: In my free time I enjoy playing tennis, chess, and piano and spending time with family.
Research interests: I am deeply interested in understanding the dynamic interplay between relapsing lineage-switch leukemia and different niches, with the aim of identify new pathways involved in leukemia progression and targeting them through novel therapeutic approaches.
Other interests: In my free time, I love discovering and visiting new places, especially those near a beach. I enjoy going for walks, trying new food, and whenever possible, bringing along my two fur babies (respectively a Ragdoll and a not-so-furry Sphynx cats).
Research interests: My research focuses on immunotherapy, particularly CAR-T therapy in pediatric leukemia, investigating relapse mechanisms and enhancing treatment outcomes while improving access to innovative therapies for children with cancer.
Research interests: My research focuses on identifying glycoprotein biomarkers for leukemia relapse using CyTOF and proteomics approaches.
Research interests: I am interested in metabolic rewiring in cancer cells, in particular how it impacts resistance to chemotherapies and new treatments. Currently, I will focus on intratumoral metabolic heterogeneity in AML patients using single cell technologies.
Research interests: I am interested in the study of molecular and signaling mechanisms associated with treatment failure in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Research interests: Cancer and its interplay with the immune system, machine learning and computational data analysis.
Research interests: Safety engineering and optimization of CAR T-cells.
Research interests: Cell signaling mechanisms in treatment-resistant pediatric cancers and pediatric health disparities.
Research interests: Trying to find new treatments for pediatric acute myeloid leukemia generating a model based on human pluripotent stem cells.
Research interests: Identify new therapeutic targets in pediatric neuroblastoma using next generation proteomic approaches.
Research interests: My research interests are within hematology and immunology, I’ve previously done research in complications to stem cell transplantation, specifically early complications related to endothelial dysfunction.
Research interests: My research studies focus on the identification and functional characterization of genetic rearrangements in preclinical models of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia, to develop a preclinical targeted strategy.
Research interests: Niche scoring and Risk predictive profiles in childhood acute leukemia. CYTOF approaches for microenvironmental and immunological landscapes in malignant bone marrow.
Research interests: Application of technological tools in medical research in order to improve accessibility and efficiency of treatments.
The Davis lab is always looking for bright, kind, and creative people who are interested in making relapse in childhood cancer a thing of the past.